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greener grass on the other side of the fence?
A recent #irrigation project we completed in Wairarapa put the #greenergrass on this #dairyfarms side of the fence. On this project we...

Imagine fertile ground going to waste!
Well that was exactly the case, until a local farm manager realised they needed to innovate and fill in the gaps. Knowing they had...

Down the Outside...
What a great venue the Hawkes Bay Sports Park is. With its constantly improving facilities, not only benefiting those in the bay but also...

Thirsty Stock?
It's been a while but... we've been busy over the past few months digging house foundations, installing drainage systems, digging power...

To Dare is To Lose
The pumping main was failing under old age and with leaks popping up, water was going to waste and the deer were missing out, this system...

Tapping into the most Essential Natural Resource
Water is the most essential natural resource in the world. None of us or our stock can last without it, for too long. That's why when it...
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